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Sarah Delphey: Speaking at the Customer Connect Expo

Sarah Delphey

VP Trust Solutions  -  Numeracle

Identity: The Key to Owning Your Brand Reputation and Caller Identity

With a decade of experience in risk mitigation and customer policy creation, Sarah is an industry expert in trust solutions through her enhanced Know Your Customer (KYC) toolsets to drive digital identity innovation to enhance trust in customer communications. She works with enterprises, carriers, service providers, and industry organization to find and build scalable solutions for validating identity in communications.

Sarah has a rich background leading fraud and risk teams in driving overall fraud and risk management strategies and customer lifecycle management. Through her leadership on these teams, she helped create and manage usage policies and implementation strategies to ensure the legal and ethical services to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations while promoting customer growth and innovation. Her work in support of the delivery of compliant traffic to minimize scam/spam or noncompliant messaging traffic and efforts to build trusted voice solutions give her the expertise to recommend KYC best practices for identity vetting and call authentication.