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Jason Byrne: Speaking at the Customer Connect Expo

Jason Byrne


Contact Centers Reimagined: Revolutionize the Customer Experience

Customer experience has emerged as a key differentiator for brands across the globe. In an era of fast-moving technology and always-connected customers, effective communication is critical for delivering superior customer experience.

To this end, AI-enabled Contact Centers find themselves in a new role — delivering better experiences across an omnichannel customer journey as well as providing actionable intelligence required for systemic changes. Add to this, the endless possibilities that Metaverse will very soon unlock for contact centers.
Brands today need to learn how to tap into this potential by combining AI and human support across the customer lifecycle.

Discover how agent-facing, customer-facing, and supervisor-facing technologies can revolutionize CX in the near future. And how your business can prepare for this today.

Key Takeaways:

-Positioning Your Contact Center to Add Strategic Value
-Implementing data-first technologies for better CX
-Using AI collaborations to transform the agent experience
-Building loyalty with a single view of the customer
-Building deeper connection in the metaverse