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Optimized outbound programs, enriched performance insights, better customer experiences, happier agents!
Got SPAM? Yes, we can help! But truly successful outreach (optimal contact rates, meaningful visibility into performance, a great consumer experience, and a streamlined agent experience) entails so much more.
Outreach progams contend daily with diminishing contact rates due to many complex and evolving factors. Business Leaders are also challenged to gain easy access to the metrics that matter most to drive their business forward. outboundIQ solves for these specific challenges, through automated ANI management, streamlined carrier registration services, superior reporting intelligence, and specialized consulting services. outboundIQ’s team of expert contact center veterans, programmers, and industry thought leaders are uniquely qualified to solve the toughest challenges faced by outbound contact centers today, and tomorrow.
Pulse - The Performance Insights You Need, At Your Fingertips - Understand contact rates and success rates by combining stats from any categories or attributes that are critical for your operation and decision process. Unearth areas of opportunity and the secrets to your success and growth. Examples include lead source, client, program, agent, time, list, location, demographic data, and so much more. Easy setup - instant, actionable results.
outboundANI - Fully Integrated, Intelligent ANI Management
outboundANI Integrates with your contact center to automate the optimal ANI chosen for every dial, based on results. Lift contact with every record, prevent number issues, and eliminate manual processes. Recurring carrier registration service remediates active issues. Turnkey setup.
Strategic Software Consulting and Optimization
A successful outreach program that respects the consumer FIRST while remaining competitive to win the race requires a multifaceted approach, and expert guidance to create and maintain. Our team shows you how to harness the power of your CCaaS tech to create a best-in-class outbound operation.